Skin Care Tips As Japanese Women
Desire of womanhood, in harmony with the clothes worn in the spotlight men. Not so difficult to actually care for beauty skin to keep it beautiful, smooth, white and enchanting. He said, "just treatment", the asian continent is a continent rich in tribal culture and skin color. In mainland china and japan is famous for its white net and beauty of her skin. Many thought may wear cosmetics expensive class to maintain and care for their beautiful skin. Make no mistake, Japanese women were more like traditional skin beauty treatments such as the ancestors of our nation first. Want to know the recipe their beautiful skin? Let's find out the tips below.
Glutinous rice, is a material that is easily obtainable in the market and the price is relatively inexpensive. This material was also popular among japanese women in beauty care skin, why can? Many may not believe so proved and follow the way certainly make it easier and schools. Simply by using glutinous rice and fabric, plus patience and patience. You want to imitate japanese women skin care for skin with economical price and practical. How:
• Glutinous rice should be washed once a minute and tiriskan.Tapi do not get soaked in water, the goal is only to eliminate dirt from the glutinous rice.
• Enter the glutinous rice in a bag made of satin and cotton.
• Mash-plots of rice land until smooth, attention! Do not get damaged pockets that could cause rice scattered everywhere.
• Dip the bag of mashed rice into the warm water. Let stand for how many minutes, or until it turns out like milk.
• Rub the bag of rice evenly. Let stand for 2 minutes.
• Rinse with cold water.
• After use, do not dispose of a used bag of rice that had been in use, my goal for the collision of rice can be used up to 2-3 times usage. Enough
hang the bag in a dry place and away from sunlight.
Good luck, now for husbands or men who have bedfellow who wear full makeup, should be know how this, in addition to not reach the pockets too deep. The skin also impressed also will appear more naturally without makeup. For women keep wearing makeup is fine, but it would be nice if you use the traditional way only Learning
maintained a life saver origin increasingly become a better life.
Image from: kaskus
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