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Know And Eliminate Acne

How to get rid of acne is true is, by first making the acne becomes more flexible. Make acne becomes pliable can be done in several ways, for example by the use of acne medications containing retinoic acid, retinol, or similar products. If the procedure is not done flex then we will have difficulty in doing
The next process is to extract acne. Retinoid compounds have some
derivative products. Tazarotene and isotretinoin is an example
for the treatment of acne. Its mechanism of action similar to retinoic acid. But for pregnant and lactating mothers
should avoid the use of retinoic acid, because it can lead to
gannguaan in the fetus and pregnancy. Also, if you who are expecting pregnancy, type of drugs also should not be used. Consult
first with skin specialist doctor is the right step. Alternatively you can find materials that can flex herbak acne.

-How to extract acne

Step extract acne is actually almost identical to how to cope with blackheads. Because we know that acne is one of the variants of blackheads.
Extraction step that you can do yourself at home, and was accompanied by a doctor prescription. Here are ways to do:

First, wash your face to the water. Make sure the water used is really clean, because if your home water
containing heavy metals, such as iron sperti too tinggu, then it could be the cause of your skin is damaged. Second, step exfoliating dead skin.

• phase 1. That is to clean the face with cleansing milk. When cleaning your face with cleansing milk, do lah massage and gentle encouragement that dead skin
cover the pores can be removed. Third, step exfoliating dead skin,

• phase 2. That is to cleanse your face with soap. Choose a special soap detergent-free treatment,
which can reduce excess oil and also can slough off dead skin that accumulates on the surface of the skin. Can be considered to
using special anti acne soap at this stage.

Fourth, the provision of hot steam. To be issued acne can be easier and more flexible acne, I recommend
to provide steam heat or steaming on your face first. Do it for 15 minutes before you
do the next step. Fifth, prescription retinoid acid in advance. Again, it should be underlined that this step must be under the control and prescription. Sixth, the final step is applying anti-acne lotion or cream.
In order to be absorbed properly, all these processes are performed sequentially at home
at night. After performing the previous step 5, now acne will be more flexible and
mature, making it easy to
issued. If acne is still hard, you do not rush to extract acne.
6 Do this step routine every day until
Acne is ready to be harvested. Surely this must be the process of removing acne by following the correct procedures.

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2 comments for "Know And Eliminate Acne"

  1. great brother.... thanks before about this article... I have a problem with acne because in my face always so easy appear acne...

    1. Okay thank you brother, diligent care for your face so as not to appear acne


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